martes, 7 de enero de 2020

resultado del ADDM

Show the results of the latest ADDM run(s)

prompt prompt ADDM (Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor) recommendations and suggestions for possible problems prompt declare -- find latest ADDM finding that actually produced recommendations -- can be more than 1 cursor c_latest_recommends is select * from dba_advisor_tasks where execution_end = ( select max( execution_end ) from dba_advisor_tasks dat, dba_advisor_recommendations dar where dat.task_name = dar.task_name ); cursor c_problems ( i_task in varchar2 ) is select * from dba_advisor_findings where task_name = i_task and type = 'PROBLEM'; cursor c_symptoms ( i_task in varchar2, i_parent_id in integer) is select * from dba_advisor_findings where task_name = i_task and type = 'SYMPTOM' and parent = i_parent_id; cursor c_recommendations ( i_task in varchar2, i_problem_id in integer) is select * from dba_advisor_recommendations where task_name = i_task and finding_id = i_problem_id order by rec_id; cursor c_actions ( i_task in varchar2, i_rec_id in integer) is select * from dba_advisor_actions where task_name = i_task and rec_id = i_rec_id; cursor c_objects ( i_task in varchar2, i_obj_id in integer) is select * from dba_advisor_objects where task_name = i_task and object_id = i_obj_id; begin dbms_output.put_line( 'Latest Sets of Recommendations' ); dbms_output.put_line( '------------------------------' || chr(10) ); for i in c_latest_recommends loop dbms_output.put_line( '' ); dbms_output.put_line( 'Task Name: ' || i.task_name ); dbms_output.put_line( rpad( '-', length( 'Task Name: ' || i.task_name ), '-' ) ); dbms_output.put_line( 'Task Started: ' || to_char( i.execution_start, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') ); dbms_output.put_line( '' ); dbms_output.put_line( 'For full details connect as ' || i.owner || ' and run:' ); dbms_output.put_line( '' ); dbms_output.put_line( 'select dbms_advisor.get_task_report(''' || i.task_name || ''', ''TEXT'', ''TYPICAL'' ) from dual;'); dbms_output.put_line( '' ); for j in c_problems( i.task_name ) loop dbms_output.put_line( ' ' || j.type || ': ' || j.message ); dbms_output.put_line( ' ' || rpad( '-', length( j.type || ': ' || j.message ), '-' ) ); -- Symptoms dbms_output.put_line( '' ); dbms_output.put_line( ' Symptoms:' ); dbms_output.put_line( ' ---------' ); for k in c_symptoms( i.task_name, j.finding_id) loop dbms_output.put_line( ' ' || k.message ); end loop; -- Recommendations for l in c_recommendations( i.task_name, j.finding_id ) loop dbms_output.put_line( '' ); dbms_output.put_line( ' Recommendation:' ); dbms_output.put_line( ' ---------------' ); dbms_output.put_line( ' ' || l.type ); -- Actions for recommendation dbms_output.put_line( '' ); dbms_output.put_line( ' Recommended action:' ); dbms_output.put_line( ' -------------------' ); for m in c_actions( i.task_name, l.rec_id ) loop dbms_output.put_line( ' ' || m.message ); -- Object attributes dbms_output.put_line( '' ); dbms_output.put_line( ' Attributes:' ); dbms_output.put_line( ' -------------------' ); for n in c_objects( i.task_name, m.object_id ) loop dbms_output.put_line( ' ' || n.attr3 || ' ' || n.attr4 || ' ' || n.attr5); end loop; end loop; end loop; dbms_output.put_line( chr(10) ); end loop; dbms_output.put_line( chr(10) ); end loop; end; /

Example output:
SQL> @addm ADDM (Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor) recommendations and suggestions for possible problems Latest Sets of Recommendations ------------------------------ Task Name: ADDM:2594484505_29821 -------------------------------- Task Started: 01-OCT-2015 23:00:30 For full details connect as SYS and run: select dbms_advisor.get_task_report('ADDM:2594484505_29821', 'TEXT', 'TYPICAL' ) from dual; PROBLEM: Individual database segments responsible for significant "User I/O" and "Cluster" waits were found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Symptoms: --------- Wait class "User I/O" was consuming significant database time. Recommendation: --------------- Segment Tuning Recommended action: ------------------- Run "Segment Advisor" on INDEX "OCEAN.PK_LOCATION_LINKS" with object ID 116737. Attributes: ------------------- Investigate application logic involving I/O on INDEX "DEPUTY.ALIAS_INDEX_01" with object ID 116737. Attributes: ------------------- Recommendation: --------------- Segment Tuning Recommended action: ------------------- Investigate application logic involving I/O on TABLE "DEPUTY.ALIAS" with object ID 114499. Attributes: ------------------- Look at the "Top SQL Statements" finding for SQL statements consuming significant I/O on this segment. For example, the INSERT statement with SQL_ID "8szmfgm7fysa3" is responsible for 100% of "User I/O" and "Cluster" waits for this segment. Attributes: ------------------- PROBLEM: PL/SQL execution consumed significant database time. ------------------------------------------------------------- Symptoms: --------- Recommendation: --------------- SQL Tuning Recommended action: ------------------- Tune the entry point PL/SQL "SYS.DBMS_SPACE.AUTO_SPACE_ADVISOR_JOB_PROC" of type "PACKAGE" and ID 7945. Refer to the PL/SQL documentation for addition information. Attributes: ------------------- PROBLEM: SQL statements consuming significant database time were found. These statements offer a good opportunity for performance improvement. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symptoms: --------- Recommendation: --------------- SQL Tuning Recommended action: ------------------- Run SQL Tuning Advisor on the INSERT statement with SQL_ID "8szmwam7fysa3". Attributes: ------------------- insert into wri$_adv_objspace_trend_data select timepoint, space_usage, space_alloc, quality from table(dbms_space.object_growth_trend(:1, :2, :3, :4, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'FALSE', :5, 'FALSE')) Recommendation: --------------- SQL Tuning Recommended action: ------------------- Run SQL Tuning Advisor on the SELECT statement with SQL_ID "7wgks43wrjtrz". Attributes: ------------------- SELECT U.SPACE_USED, U.SPACE_ALLOCATED FROM TABLE(DBMS_SPACE.OBJECT_SPACE_USAGE_TBF( :B1 , :B2 , :B3 , 0, :B4 , 'TRUE', :B5 )) U

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