jueves, 14 de enero de 2021

Upgrading the Recovery Catalog

 To upgrade the recovery catalog:

  1. To install the new recovery catalog schema, the recovery catalog user must have TYPE privilege:

    sqlplus> connect sys/oracle@catdb as sysdba;
    sqlplus> grant TYPE to rman;
  2. Use RMAN to connect to the target and recovery catalog databases. For example, enter:

    % rman TARGET / CATALOG rman/cat@catdb
    connected to recovery catalog database 
    PL/SQL package rcat.DBMS_RCVCAT version 08.00.04 in RCVCAT database 
    is too old
  3. Issue the UPGRADE CATALOG command:

    recovery catalog owner is rman 
    enter UPGRADE CATALOG command again to confirm catalog upgrade 
  4. Enter the UPDATE CATALOG command again to confirm:

    recovery catalog upgraded to version 09.02.00
    DBMS_RCVMAN package upgraded to version 09.02.00
    DBMS_RCVCAT package upgraded to version 09.02.00

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RMAN - Cuando no se encuentra un archive log --- RMAN-06726: could not locate archived log

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