jueves, 18 de febrero de 2021

Monitor the MySQL Log File

 MySQL provides a built-in function called load_file which is capable of reading a file from the file system and returning the results as a single column single row result set via SQL. This function can be used to read the error log using the following technique:

  1. Locate the MySQL Error Log, from a command shell enter the following:

    C:\> C:\AppD4DBInstallDir\mysql\bin\startClient.bat
    mysql> show variables like 'log_error';

    The system should return something like the following:

    |  Variable_name | Value                                            |
    | log_error      | C:\AppD4DBInstallDir\mysql\data\hostname.err     |
  2. Check that you can read the file from the command line:

    mysql> select load_file ('C:\AppD4DBInstallDir\mysql\data\hostname.err');

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RMAN - Cuando no se encuentra un archive log --- RMAN-06726: could not locate archived log

  Lo importante en todo esto, es estar dentro del catalogo correspondiente, sino el crosscheck NO FNCIONA !!   oracle backup of logfiles is ...